Senin, 08 September 2014


"Pray for the place where I live you"
saith the Lord ...
because of this awareness then I along with other young friends making a movement for young people in particular and in general, to pray for the nation in which God has placed us are.

"Berdoalah bagi tempat dimana kamu Aku tempati"
demikianlah firman Tuhan...
karena kesadaran inilah maka saya bersama dengan teman-teman pemuda lainnya membuat suatu kegerakan bagi anak-anak muda khususnya maupun secara umum, untuk berdoa bagi bangsa dimana Tuhan tempatkan kita berada. 

My Ministry

I am very grateful to be a part of God's plan dasyat..sungguh what I never imagined, never arise in the heart, that's what God did in my life ...
I saw an act of God that is so magical in my life as a young man, Hand of God never stops doing anything extraordinary, and the best in my life
serve the Lord, praise the Lord worship God even escorted my lifetime is the final decision in my life, because I'd never find love like this, love that is able to change my life, the love that is able to accept me even makes me valuable ..
My decision is to follow Jesus and never turned my life
because for saya..Yesus Christ is sufficient. amen

you can see the album works of God who led me from one another kepelayanan services

 at this link :

 the photos that I had no input in this account but there is in my facebook album ..
God Bless