Senin, 08 Oktober 2012

true love

every human being must yearning to find true love it ..

and God is good, that He allowed us to find real love with the people closest to us ..

friends know that, in this world of a Father who is the Source of God's blessings to us in this world?

God gave His great love for our father in the world that love may flow to us. But in reality many children do not get the flow of love is that they look for where true love is to meet their needs, and what happens is a lot of children grow up with a lack of affection and also lost her identity as a father who does not providing identity and love for the child. But with the passage of time the Lord opened the divine secrets to his servants how to recover any empty emptiness in one's heart that longed for true love and self identity. to find love, then people will have a maximum of life, because, according to Psychology, a mother of 20% to meet human needs while 80% of fathers fulfilling human needs, because it is very important the role of a father as a source of blessing and true love that comes from the Father in heaven.

The following are the results of our service island of Rote, in SMP Negeri 3 Lobalain, where teenage boys who had lost the love and self-identity, re menembukan our heavenly Father who loves them unconditionally, be willing to accept them back and restore every broken heart. .

GBU All .. ^ _ ^

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